Washington Grown Magazine - December 2023

Featured Stories:

King Potato

When you’re the king of vegetables, everyone wants to take a bite - but as the saying goes, there’s a potato for every occasion.


When you’re the king of vegetables, everyone wants to take a bite - but as the saying goes, there’s a potato for every occasion.

Ag and technology

Move over “Farmers’ Almanac” - with WUS’s DAS, farmers get time-sensitive data.


Essencia Artisan Bakery is Yakima's hidden gem.
With artisanal treats, fresh-baked bread, and an atmosphere to match, Essencia Artisan Bakery sits right in the heart of Yakima, and they're taking full advantage of the fresh produce in the area with a menu of fruit-based pastries and other goodies.

Check out the recipe for Essencia's Roasted Potato Flatbread!

Potatoes can give athletes the complex carbs they need to perform.
Bill Skinner is a marathon runner in his mid-70s whose secret to success is the mighty potato. The Washington Grown crew interviewed him in 2019 at Bloomsday, Spokane's famous 12K run.
